Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh BOY!!

I just noticed that my last post was just as I was leaving for the July 4th weekend. I went to Oregon to meet my wonderful boyfriend. There was a nice barbque and the evening ended with a PROPOSAL!!!!!

It's the most beautiful ring ever.

I was not expecting a proposal and wasn't sure that he had the ring. I am planning a move to Portland to be with him and I guess he wanted to make sure that I came. HAHA!!

I made a top especially for the barbque on the fouth. It's Simplicity 2892.

I wanted to make it in the same strong red as sewuptight made hers as found on

The Plan was a to make a trial run top in a fabric that I liked just in case I ran out of time. I had one day to finish the top and I know that I have gotten better and faster with my sewing but I wasn't sure enough to use the $10/yd red cotton on my first run. Well I did run out of time and I would have been just fine starting out on the $10 stuff. I ended up with an adorable lemon yellow version. I am very proud of this shirt and will definately make the red one. Let me tell you that the sleeves on this shirt are adorable and come out beautifully.

I was so happy to see an interviewer on Entertainment Tonight was wearing these sleeves in white. I love that simplicity is keeping me up to date!

ELSE....Oh I have started spinning and I love it. I'm no good at it but it is a relaxing and enjoyable. I received two drop spindles from my swap partner on Ravelry in the Spindle Addicts swap. Here's some of that loot:

I am really excited about the spindles that I got my downstream partner. Wish I could post them but I have to weait until she receives.

That's it for now.

1 comment:

Myownigloo said...

Best wishes to you both! Portland is a great city to live, too. And well done on learning to spin. How daunting!