Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sex In The City 2

Isn't the poster supposed to be an indication of the fabulousness that is SITC2. Someone buckled under the pressure. I am hoping this is just one in a series and that an amazing poster of my beloved fab four will emerge soon.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jack Discovers Christmas Town!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Basics, Basics, Basics...

and apparently I know none.

A knitting buddy and I decided that we are going to embark on the road to our masters. Knitting Masters that is. The Knitting Guild Association has a correspondence series where through a submission of a series swatches you qualify your skills as a knitter. I have none.

In the two days since I received the instructions I have had to learn proper Continental Knitting. I was committing the sin of combination. My style was probably fine but I did not want to waste my time crossing my fingers as I knit just hoping that all would be well. (that might hurt) So I took a full day coming back up to my usual knitting speed.

The first swatch is nothing but ribbing and garter stitch, bind off and weaving in of ends. Simple right. No silly, its not. It took me all day to knit a 20 stitch swatch. And one day later I am still avoiding the second swatch. I am a chronic perfectionist which typically leads me into idleness. Tomorrow morning I will tackle swatch number two involving some crazy increase that I have never heard of and no amount of You Tubing is helping.

Honestly, my anal, perfectionist, nerdy inner child is very happy to have something so incredibly detail specific to work on.

I'll get some pictures up of my swatches as I get them done. Stay tuned.

edit:add: Oh and I just read somewhere that I did half of my bind off wrong. So I have nothing finished. Faneffingtastic!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Knitting Insanity--I Want In

So I was FINALLY catching up on my favorite blogs consisting mainly of my three favorite subjects: yarn,knitting and sewing. There also non-crafty blogs about gossip, clothing and make up--the only other trifecta worthy of note.

While trolling on Knitters Anonymous I found this:

Very cool idea....are there enough classes for an overseas trip or is that a silly question??

Here is the site for additional information Knit Nation UK

Sunday, November 8, 2009

U2 wth Jay Z at the EMAs.

A little akward but still cool. Jay Z won't sing so Bono raps.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I loved this cover of the January British Elle of Courtney Love

Then I saw the copy-cat cover of the March Interview Magazine with Mary-Kate Olsen and was just floored. How lame? Isn't being creative thier JOB?

A Geek is Geeked.

Monday, January 12, 2009

In other news:

New crochet hooks arrived today in sizes 1.0, 1.15, 1.25 and 1.5. Making sweaters for ants. Stay tuned.

Beautiful Yarn + Gorgeous Pattern = Shiteous Hideousness

I am so bummed and its all my fault. A couple posts back I mentioned the gorgeous Helen's Lace yarn I got from going on a Tour of Lorna's Laces downtown. Its the Aslan colorway. Take a look :

Its loveley (intentional). Really. Its 50/50 wool and silk. Soft, sturdy and warm. Its has been petted many times before I decided on just the right pattern for it. I finally fell in love again with Jenn Jarvis's Spiral Lace Hoodie above. I did a swatch in a totally different yarn because I don't have a ballwinder and was not looking forward to winding 1200 yards before I even knew whether I could stand the lace pattern. Well the lace repeat is easy and intuitive. So I wound about 100 yards of the Helens Lace, got a little impatient and decided to do a swatch. OOOOOOH THE PAIN!!!! Here I am with a beautifully dyed yarn that is eating my lace pattern and there is STILL LIKE 1000 yards to wind by hand AND NO PATTERN TO WORK.

Knitting Mood : Frustrated

So I will be on the hunt for a pretty solid laceweight to complete the hoodie. The Helen's Lace will become a shawl. All suggestions are welcomed.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Boots I Covet

I have been on an endless search for boots. At last something I love. These are Militia Botties from theMod Cloth website.

Monday, January 5, 2009