Pattern Review always has a sewing contest going on. Right now there is a pattern stash contest. Basically you make as many items as possible from the patterns in your stash in two months time. Well there are three weeks left which will leave me time for about two items but I figure if I have a couple show stoppers I might have chance. Honestly, I am not terribly concerned about winning. I like the idea that I have a dead line and its just fun to get involved.
For the first item I am modifying the sheath dress of Vogue Pattern 8138 to a really hot number that I found online. I can't post it now of course but stay tuned. Here is the starting point

For the second item I may just make Built by Wendy #3964

The STST bolero should be completed this week. The right sleeve is down to the final decreases. I can smell the ribbing now!
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