Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Monday!! Update on what I am knitting.

2010 has been such a busy year for me that my knitting mojo just completely jumped ship. Every time I would attempt to pick up a current project I would fall asleep. A little confused, I began to question this knitting funk. Besides just being exhausted I was had to ask myself what the problem really was. I have not finished a major project in 2010 (socks excluded) nor have I purchased any new yarn except for my Loopy Ewe sock club packages that I actually sold as I knew at this rate I would never get to them. Then the "AHA" moment arrived. The culprit was my well intentioned Knitting Knew Years Resolution to not start any new projects until every UFO I have is completed. Talk about a buzz kill.

Knitting is a hobby to be enjoyed, indulged and enabled by you and your knitting buddies. This little knitting gestabo-like resolution I executed had killed everything I loved and really am as a knitter. I am Ms. Startitis. I scroll through what my friends are putting in their ques, actually starting, finishing and all new Ravelry patterns to get inspiration for my next new knitting love.(Upon final edit I realized I didn't mention looking through my own que. That might be a GOOD resolution.) I start many projects at once but I also realized that I will get hit with finishitis. There are times that all I want to do is finish everything on my needles. That doesn't mean everything gets finished but two or three at a time ain't bad and this I now accept. I will start what I want when I want and if the project is meant to be some point it will be.

So what have I allowed myself to start? What wonderful project revved my little knitting engines? VIVIAN by Ysolda. She has been in my que for some time but I had another revelation about something I do to stomp my happy knitter. I save the projects I really want to do and then work something that I want to do but don't love as much. Weird. This too will stop as the love for this project is immense. I am using the Berroco Ultra Alpaca in Lobster Mix. I originally purchased the yarn to make A Little Ruffle but the pattern bored me to tears and the yarn was calling to be something pretty and a bit more interesting. As I finish my first sleeve I see that this was a perfect marriage of yarn and pattern. Off to a great re-start to my 2010 knitting year.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Glad the knitting mojo is back!